Sunday, December 27, 2009

Journey to UK

I am about to embark on a journey to the UK. I am a web designer with a LAMP programming Object Oriented (PHP or Perl) application development skills, with recent experience in front end Ajax / jQuery integration with MVC style frameworks, nTier architectures and RESTful web services in a Resoure Oriented Architecture.

I went to school in London, Hamden Gurney, until the age of 11, then migrated to New Zealand. Lived in NZ mostly for the next 35 years with a stint in Australia and a few years contracting in England and Scotland before 2000.

For an expatriate of this extent to return to the UK during the most severe point in the recession may seem a little unusual. But the low point of the market is where the opportunities open up as more effective operators take control from the larger lumbering beasts running their mainframes. In other words there is a growing demand for LAMPhp stack open source programmers.

The purpose of my journey to the UK is to be a resident there, and to then be able to visit NZ, but to build the final leg of my career in Europe opens better opportunities in the medium term, certainly not in the immediate term, but who knows.

I believe that the recession is able to be over, that the system is more able to deal with shocks (it never has been this able to soften the blow) and that now a concerted growth from the smaller companies is inevitable as the big ones lose traction via the need to layoff workers, retrenchment costs as it takes time to be humane, and part of the process of corporatisation is the recognition that humanity forms much of their capital.

A company that cheats its staff, then requires bailing out by the tax payer is not going to survive.