Saturday, November 24, 2007

best lyrics in the world

Sir Ian

Best show this year was King Lear with Sir Ian McKellan in the lead.

A grand performance. A tour de force/

Friday, November 16, 2007


Taking things the wrong way. Hearing one thing, understanding it and thinking something else. Those are the days to let the phone answer itself, listen to music. Listen back to the year 2000 - was in London following the antics of David Bowie and joined bowienet - found my way to tickets for concerts and was in an online chat session live - with him talking to a sort of electronic teletype of anon messages. Its very funny. He even takes a turn as a DJ in a segement called "Master of Disaster" which was apparently the CD he gave away to someone he called Bates. Fan's identities were completely hidden so as to be "fair when David selected questions", and that he found very frustrating. "Next times, its names. This is crap," he said something like and that and it nicely introduces my next subject. Social networking.

From this very early exposure - to the simple idea that maybe everyone hiding their identities on the internet for fear of intrusion; to - everyone reaching out and making 30,000 "friends" on their favourite social networking blog, degrees of exposure seem to be irrelevant to any fear of exposure to internet nasties - people want to sell their wares and they will risk everything to do so. But what these sites pretend to be are "social networks". Nobody actually has as many friends as some sites pretend.

I got a facebook invite from someone whom I have nothing against but when I knew them it was because of another - you probably do not need more detail here - but my reason for not answering them was more the brand of the social network. But why should I trust a dangerous Murdoch-owned myspace over and above a Microsoft-future-proofed-secure facebook?

The reason is that I am able to show a range of copyright material without risk that any ownership is transferred. Read the Terms and Conditions. And just like my recordings of someone famous remain a personal momento subject to copyright of another - so do the Terms and Conditions of major websites. Go read them. They also change.

No, that is not a rational reason to reject fb out of hand. Not that I have, but I reserve its use for business, only.

The divisions of a person are more pronounced due to the internet. It provides a forum of selves - and the plethora of ways to hang your shingle is both pervasive and also nothing more than a huge fabric that we expect as a freedom and it is providing we drive it ourselves.

The demise of social networking is not a demise but its incorporation as wigets makes sites like myspace only a conduit to another commodity. This is the revolution - social widgets - mark my words.

Back back to real life. Flyers for the event are vanishing into the hands of the public. The design seems to be working. Now to produce a TVC and alert the media.

New and old, that is how to get there in the end.